The glue was
mostly dry on my terrain project, so I jumped right into the painting stage. The boards and the separate pieces were spray painted with a Krylon H2O black spray paint. Most of that was done here and there over the last few nights. Tonight I had really planned on getting more done but the rain clouds came blowing in. I hate it when the weather forecast is right about rain. I was able to get one layer of the base color brown on the tops of my rock formations. This was a standard interior flat house paint. Latex based, not enamel. A picture or two will tell the story better.

I was rushed getting all this stuff back inside before it started raining or I would have laid out the individual pieces (seen on the left) where they belong along the seams of the joined terrain boards. I'll have to take all this stuff back outside again when I start painting the sides and lower surface brown.

The picture above shows a better view of all 8 board sections. Each is 2x4. I've got 28 separate pieces to place along those seams and another 8 pieces I'm painting up to use as optional pieces for changing the configuration around in later games.

The reason I painted the top surface first is that I intend on leaving this somewhat smooth. I'll be taking this color paint and mixing in some sand texture product before I start painting the rest. When I return to the tops of these split rocks I'm going to attempt a faux painting crackle technique. So essentially I'm going to have these cracked rock formations in a crack pattern with a crackle finish. I crack myself up sometimes.. :)
My goal is to get some more paint on these boards tomorrow, but with a busy weekend coming up, Sunday afternoon is looking to be more realistic.